For Immediate Release
Dec 3, 2001
Contact: Press Office

Tune in to “The Judicial Watch Report”

“The Imperial President?” & “What Lies Ahead for America’s Airline Companies?”

Join hosts Tom Fitton and Larry Klayman on the Monday, Dec. 3 edition of “The Judicial Watch Report,” America’s fastest growing legal affairs program. Guests and topics tonight include:

Vernon Grose, former National Transportation Safety Board member, discusses new rules at America’s airports, whether federalizing security workers really improves safety and possible causes of the crash of American Airlines Flight 587.

Tim Lynch of the Cato Institute, talks about President Bush’s expanded role and powers, and what it means for the future of constitutional statecraft.

Dr. Gene Rudd, associate director of the Christian Medical Association, visits Judicial Watch to talk about the recent announcement that scientists have cloned a human embryo, what it means for medical ethics and where the medical community should go from here.

“The Judicial Watch Report” from Washington, D.C. Every Monday and Thursday, 9 to 10 p.m. ET on The Dish Network’s “Sky Angel Network” and on Lynchburg, Virginia’s WTLU-TV! Airs 2 to 3 p.m. ET on Channel 58 in Greenbelt, Md.

For more information, call Judicial Watch at 202-646-5172 or go to

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