For Immediate Release
Dec 12, 2001
Contact: Press Office

Tune in to “The Judicial Watch Report”

“Israel’s own ‘War on Terror’” & “Inside the Mind of a Terrorist”

Join host Tom Fitton on the Thursday, Dec. 13 edition of “The Judicial Watch Report,” America’s fastest growing legal affairs program. Guests and topics tonight include:

Dr. Jerrold Post, George Washington University psychiatrist and former CIA analyst, delves into the mind of a terrorist. Just who is Osama bin Laden and what fuels his al-Qaida movement? David Bernstein of the American Jewish Committee, discusses Israel’s own “War on Terror” and how it will affect relations with its Arab neighbors and the United States, as well as the freezing of Hamas assets in the United States, which Judicial Watch called for in September.

“The Judicial Watch Report” from Washington, D.C.
Every Monday and Thursday, 9 to 10 p.m. ET on The Dish Network’s
“Sky Angel Network,” on Washington D.C. Cable Channel 5 and now on
Lynchburg, Virginia’s WTLU-TV!
Airs 2 to 3 p.m. ET on Channel 58 in Greenbelt, Md.

For more information, call Judicial Watch at 202-646-5172 or go to

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