For Immediate Release
Feb 21, 2001
Contact: Press Office


Gross Incompetence Perpetuates Biggest Spy

Also Blew Los Alamos Investigation

(Washington, DC) Judicial Watch, Inc., the public interest watchdog that investigates and prosecutes government abuse and corruption, today has called for the firing and/or resignation of FBI Director Louis Freeh, who perhaps ranks as the worst director of the agency in its history. In addition to presiding over the FBI files scandal, Director Freeh�s FBI has been enmeshed in numerous other fiascos, including but not limited to Waco, Ruby Ridge, the Atlanta Olympic bombing, the Oklahoma City bombing, and other scandals where coverups and/or obstruction of justice occurred in the destruction or alteration of evidence.

Director Freeh, who is loved by Republicans because he is a Republican, is indeed a political chameleon � who in a �Zelig-like� fashion takes on the views of those who are in power in presiding over the FBI for the last eight years. He has also failed to approve polygraph testing � which experts agree could have revealed the now notorious accused Russian spy Robert Hanssen. In addition, Director Freeh has tried to silence whistleblowers like Notra Trulock, who revealed the huge breach of national security at Los Alamos nuclear labs. In this regard, his FBI agents illegally raided Mr. Trulock�s home and violated his constitutional rights in an attempt to intimidate him to be silent about FBI incompetence.

�It�s time for President George W. Bush to exercise courage and forget to listen to the conventional Republican wisdom � that Director Freeh should stay at the FBI. This is not a question of politics; it is a question of national security,� stated Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.

Judicial Watch Chairman and General Counsel Larry Klayman added, �On Director Freeh�s watch, Chinagate and other massive breaches of national security occurred.�

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