For Immediate Release
Mar 23, 2001
Contact: Press Office


Hillary�s Role in Pardons for �Supporters� Violated Federal Election Law

Denise Rich Took the Fifth on Hillary�s Role

(Washington, D.C.) Judicial Watch, the non-partisan public interest law firm that combats government corruption and abuse, announced findings today that it has filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) against Hillary Clinton over her role Pardongate. The complaint alleges that Hillary Clinton illegally took cash, gifts, and other benefits from Denise Rich and other supporters in exchange for help in obtaining the pardons of March Rich and others. Rich was a fugitive accused of trading with the enemy at the time the pardons were issued. Mrs. Clinton had received campaign contributions and gifts of furniture from Rich�s ex-wife in the weeks and months running up to Rich�s pardon. (The gifts of furniture are campaign gifts under the law, but were never reported as such by Mrs. Clinton.)

In its complaint, Judicial Watch notes that the FEC should draw an adverse inference against Mrs. Clinton from Denise Rich�s invocation of the Fifth Amendment concerning Mrs. Clinton�s role in Pardongate. The complaint also asks for investigation into whether Mrs. Clinton illegally sought political and other support from a Hasidic community in New York concerning the pardons, and whether monies were funneled to her by her brothers for pardons.

In a recent press conference, Mrs. Clinton admitted to serving as a conduit for information for many pardon requests.

�When it comes to �cash for favors� bribery in the Clinton gang, Mrs. Clinton is the expert. The FEC has an obligation to investigate the prima facie evidence of Mrs. Clinton�s bribery and illegal campaign contributions,� stated Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.

A copy of the Judicial Watch FEC complaint against Hillary Clinton is available on the Judicial Watch Internet site at or by clicking HERE

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