For Immediate Release
Jul 5, 2001
Contact: Press Office


Three Combine in Compact of Ethically Challenged

(Washington, DC) Judicial Watch, the public interest law firm that investigates and prosecutes public abuse and corruption, has �watched� with concern the evolution of Kissinger Associates, which now also includes as �name partners,� former Clinton-Gore White House Chief of Staff Thomas F. �Mack� McLarty and former Clinton-Gore United Nations Ambassador and Energy Secretary Bill Richardson. This �threesome� represents the lowest of ethical standards, even by modern American norms. For example, Henry Kissinger not only consorted with Richard Nixon over break-in�s of public interest and other groups, he tapped the telephone lines of fellow White House associates. Mack McLarty was in charge of The White House during Filegate and Travelgate, and lied to Judicial Watch during his deposition � feigning memory loss. Bill Richardson tried to bribe Monica Lewinsky with a U.N. job to keep her quiet about her relationship with President Bill Clinton, and then presided over an attempted coverup of the Los Alamos nuclear scandal, among other matters. �The firm of Kissinger, McLarty & Richardson epitomizes Washington, D.C. at its worst � sleazy ex-administration officials, feeding off special influence and power and then pretending, with the help of their enablers, to be fine, upstanding and respected gentlemen. Judicial Watch will �watch� closely their activities and take action whenever warranted. Today, we will be filing Freedom of Information Act requests to learn about their activities in the recent past,� stated Judicial Watch Chairman and General Counsel Larry Klayman.

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