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Judicial Watch, Inc. is a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation, which promotes transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law.

Judicial Watch, Inc. is a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation, which promotes transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law.

Because no one
is above the law!


Corruption Chronicles

Baltimore Mayor Got Boyfriend Tax Breaks, Zoning Changes

The mayor under investigation for steering lucrative no-bid city contracts to companies owned by friends and relatives has admitted that she was romantically involved with a contractor that she helped get millions of dollars in tax breaks and zoning changes.

Earlier this week, authorities raided Baltimore Mayor Sheila Dixon’s home because she is the target of a bribery, perjury and misconduct in office investigation focusing on City Hall spending. As City Council president a lot of public money—at least $600,000—went to firms that employed Dixon’s sister and former campaign chairman. Most deals didn’t have a written contract and Dixon helped craft a way to keep payments to under $5,000 so they wouldn’t need approval from the Board of Estimates.

The popular Democrat mayor has called the investigation a witch hunt with no merit, but damaging evidence is quickly mounting against her. After a local newspaper report exposed a secret romantic affair with a big time developer who showered her with lavish gifts, Dixon was forced to admit that she was in fact involved with the man, Ronald Lipscomb, who owns Doracon Contracting.

Doracon has been involved in several high-profile Baltimore developments that have received lucrative incentives from the city, thanks to his girlfriend the powerful city politician. Dixon helped Lipscomb get a $13.6 million tax break for one apartment project and another huge tax break for a separate major development. In fact, the secret lovers embarked on romantic getaways hours after Dixon voted for the incentives.

They often took extravagant vacations and Lipscomb gave Dixon thousands of dollars in gifts, including a fancy fur coat. Although city ethics law requires elected official to report gifts from people who benefit from public business, Dixon never bothered. This week, she assured that the relationship didn’t play a role in her ardent support of her boyfriend’s mega projects.

In fact, she released a statement explaining that both parties were separated from their respective spouses at the time and that the brief relationship was personal and did not influence her decisions related to matters of city government. Sounds like a desperate, last-minute explanation from a disgraced politician.


Illegal Alien Crime Update

Federal Agency Trolling Social Media, Reporting ‘Domestic Violent Extremism’ Judicial Watch Sues for Biden Climate Czar John Podesta’s Records Criminal Aliens “Committing Crimes Ag...

Judicial Watch: Documents Reveal Federal Agency Trolling Social Media, Reporting on Alleged ‘Domestic Violent…

Press Releases | August 29, 2024
(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today it received five pages of documents from the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA – a component of the Departmen...

Criminal Aliens Released in U.S. “Committing Crimes Against Americans at An Alarming Rate”

Corruption Chronicles | August 29, 2024
Of the millions of illegal immigrants who have entered the United States under the Biden administration’s radical open border policies, over 617,000 have criminal records and they ...