L.A. Mayor Promotes Costly Student Truancy
A longtime member of a radical Chicano group that advocates overthrowing the U.S. Government, Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa has played a key role in his city’s massive pro illegal immigration marches.
Among the mayor’s accomplishments is instigating and promoting massive student truancy that will cost the already ailing Los Angeles School District (LAUSD) nearly a million dollars in state funding.
Villaraigosa managed to rally thousands of high school students to ditch school in order to march on the streets and freeways of Los Angeles to protest the Border Protection, Antiterrorism and Illegal Immigration Control Act which was passed by the House of Representatives last year.
For years, the mayor has strongly supported a radical anti-American movement known as Mecha (Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan), which claims that seven states in the southwestern U.S. were stolen from Mexico and must be re conquered and reclaimed for Mexico.
Ironically, most chapters of the militant group get their money from tax-funded public schools such as UCLA and California State University Northridge. In fact, as a student at UCLA Villaraigosa was the longtime president of Mecha.
The mayor, who wants to take over the city’s school system, apparently ordered district officials to support the truant students because letters were sent to parents, in English and Spanish, stating that LAUSD would provide security and buses to chauffer students back to school after protesting on the freeway. Michelle Malkin obtained a copy of the letter and has it on her web site.
The California Conservative has an array of articles on the issue and a telling protest photo of a Mexican flag waving above the American flag at a southern California public high school.