$47 Mil to Get More Adolescents on Gardasil
The U.S. government has given dozens of state and municipal health agencies nearly $50 million to boost the number of adolescents that get a dangerous cervical cancer vaccine linked to thousands of adverse reactions, debilitating side effects and even death.
It’s as if there is no end the Obama administration’s inexplicable campaign to push the controversial vaccine, Gardasil, which is promoted as miracle shot that can prevent certain strains of cervical cancer caused by Human Papillomavirus (HPV). The reality is that droves of government records uncovered by Judicial Watch show that Gardasil has been linked to thousands of adverse reactions and debilitating side effects that the administration wants to keep secret.
As part of JW’s ongoing investigation into the Gardasil scandal, new records were recently uncovered that reveal the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) awarded more than $47 million in grants to state and municipal health departments to “increase HPV vaccination coverage rates among adolescents.” The recipients include the city of Chicago and the health departments in the District of Columbia, New York City, Georgia, Utah and Minnesota.
Other Gardasil-related social engineering grants uncovered by JW in fiscal year 2013 include the following: $139,462 to the University of Texas for a “text message intervention to increase HPV vaccine completion in young Latinas;” $32,593 to the University of South Florida to study “beliefs and decision-making about HPV vaccination among young men who have sex with men;” $72,850 to Georgetown University for “HPV knowledge and awareness and acceptability among inner city black males;” $124,906 to the Children’s Research Institute in DC for “social network influences on values related to parental HPV vaccine refusal.”
The continued use of taxpayer dollars to provide this drug is baffling considering its history. The government’s own records document dozens of deaths associated with Gardasil—manufactured by pharmaceutical giant Merck—and seizures, blindness, speech problems, pancreatic and short-term memory loss in thousands of cases. Incredibly, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) fast-tracked Gardasil’s approval and the CDC keeps recommending it for girls starting at age 9. Read all about it in a special report published by JW.
Earlier this year JW uncovered documents from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) revealing that its National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) has awarded nearly $6 million to dozens of victims in claims made against the very HPV vaccine it is pushing on children. To date 200 claims have been filed with VICP, with barely half adjudicated, according to the documents obtained by JW.
Nevertheless, the Obama administration continues advocating this dangerous vaccine and lying to the public about its severe repercussions. In fact, just a few months ago the CDC issued a video that outrageously claims Gardasil’s side effects are limited to “dizziness and stomach aches.” The 13-minuted DVD endorsing the three-dose HPV vaccine series was designed to reach “underserved areas” and minority populations.”
Weeks before the video’s release, the administration spent a whopping $1.2 million to push Gardasil among poor minority girls. The money went to a public university in southern California that will conduct a “culturally sensitive” intervention— in English, Spanish, Cantonese, Mandarin, Armenian and Korean—to increase HPV vaccine receipt among “underserved, high risk girls in Los Angeles.”