Huge Voter Risks in Pennsylvania & Nationwide
“Pennsylvania has one set of numbers and the counties have a second set of numbers,” Fitton noted in last week’s Weekly Update.
Election integrity “is the civil right issue of our time,” Fitton believes. With millions of extra names on voter rolls across the country, Judicial Watch is fighting state and local governments nationwide to ensure clean and fair elections. Recent efforts to pressure both Pennsylvania and North Carolina to clean up their dirty voter rolls have forced the state of Pennsylvania to admit that state counties had given the Federal Government incorrect voter registration data. “They also confirmed that among 18 counties that have 25% of the registrations, they’ve removed a total of 15 names under the NVRA Process.” State-wide, a total of 17 were removed from a list of roughly 1.1 million.
A recent Pennsylvania court decision, ruling that ballots could be counted up to 3 days after the election doesn’t help, according to Fitton. “The Left’s solution is to count ballots for days, weeks after election day. It encourages people to game the process.” Fitton has described the system of unsolicited mail-in-ballots as “pernicious.” “It’s not fact based, it’s ideological… you are more likely to have your vote intercepted, challenged, thrown out or lost if you vote by mail.”
What’s more, in Fitton’s words – “the Left has said that on election day it may look like Trump wins, but if they continue to count the ballots after the fact and the outcome changes, you’re not allowed to question how that happened.” Now involving big tech, the Left is now also censoring Judicial Watch videos about voter rolls. “Judicial watch is a nationally recognized expert on election issues, and these leftists at big tech companies are going to be suppressing information about the risks to clean election for ideological reasons?” Fitton, undeterred by these attacks – continues to do the heavy lifting at Judicial Watch to support clean and fair elections nationwide.
Support Judicial Watch today to ensure our elections are clean, transparent and accurate. It’s the civil rights issue of our times.