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Judicial Watch, Inc. is a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation, which promotes transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law.

Judicial Watch, Inc. is a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation, which promotes transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law.

Because no one
is above the law!


Issue Deep Dive

Sally Yates, Comey & Spygate

“Sally Yates clearly tried to throw Comey under the bus, in a disingenuous way, which most of the media misses,” Fitton stated in last week’s Weekly Update. 

As demonstrated in her recent testimony before Congress, Obama’s deputy Attorney General Sally Yates had a direct involvement in the Flynn spy operation, at least according to Tom Fitton. “Let’s not understate Yates’ involvement in this. Her disagreement with Comey was a tactical one,” Fitton continues. “In principle, she agreed with the targeting of general Flynn, and with trying to interfere with the president’s ability to conduct foreign affairs by targeting improperly his national security advisor.” 

What’s more, is that they [Yates, Obama and company] “knew there was no there there. In fact, the FBI recommended it be shut down.” Regardless, the Administration persisted in their political targeting, “justifying the then-unprecedented spy operations against Flynn and Trump.”  

As Fitton explains, what also seemed bizarre about Yates’ testimony was her stating that she wouldn’t have “signed off on the FISA Warrant Applications” had she known about the issues with the Steele dossier. “That’s absurd,” Fitton continues. “That falsely suggests that the FISA applications were legitimate. You can read them – they were coyly written to justify spying on Trump.” As you might recall, ex Deputy FBI Director Rod Rosenstein used a similar argument in his testimony. But “who are Yates and Rosenstien fooling? They did know, and they had reason to know.

Furthermore, “Obama and Biden are witnesses. Yates said that Biden had mentioned the Logan Act. Biden was in on the targeting of Flynn, that’s pretty clear.” So, “why doesn’t Senator Graham bring Barack Obama or Joe Biden in? Call him and ask him, his office phone number is 202-225-3121.

Ultimately, as Fitton continues, “I don’t know if they can make a case one way or another, that’s not the issue. The issue is, are they doing the things indicating that they’re investigating it sufficiently?” One thing is for sure though. “Judicial Watch can take credit for these hearings. You can bet Senator Graham got some serious push back and is holding doing these hearings.

Want more hearings, and more accountability for the Obama Gang’s wild abuses of the rule of law? Support Judicial Watch today. 


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