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Judicial Watch, Inc. is a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation, which promotes transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law.

Judicial Watch, Inc. is a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation, which promotes transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law.

Because no one
is above the law!


Issue Deep Dive

The Hunter Biden Scandals

Hunter Biden knows exactly what he was doing, and so he should be held fully accountable for any misconduct. We need to know if his father was benefitting … as the emails show … from Hunter Biden’s shady operations.”

Judicial Watch is working hard to get more information on the Biden Family scandals, undertaking “the basic investigations” that Congress and the Justice Department are seemingly unwilling to do, Fitton noted Friday. Starting with Hunter Biden’s laptop, “the Justice Department refuses to do anything significant against Joe Biden despite the evidence that he’s directly implicated in his son’s racketeering.” Fitton argued that “by refusing to do anything significant relating to Hunter Biden investigation, the Justice Department, per usual, practically speaking took sides in the election fight.” 

As Fitton noted Friday, Hunter Biden was given “cushy jobs and special deals with the Chinese Communists and Burisma while his father was Vice President.” Hunter Biden also “did not rule out” that the laptop currently being investigated by the FBI, was his. In addition to Hunter Biden’s  admissions, the evidence already gathered by the FBI shows “that law enforcement has a good enough reason to open investigations.” As Fitton further explained, supporting these investigations is not about supporting a political agenda against the Bidens. “No,” Fitton continued, “there’s evidence that there was a pay-to-play scheme, there was racketeering involving President Biden and his family…”

Regardless of the evidence already gathered, the Justice Department has yet to establish a “special counsel for Joe Biden’s family corruption issues,” Fitton stated Friday. “I’m not naïve in the sense that a special counsel is going to solve all of the Biden corruption issues and start prosecuting people,” he explained, “but the process ought to at least take place so that there is at least a modicum of accountability.” Fitton concluded in stating that “there needs to be a Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) investigation of the Biden family.”

As per usual, Judicial Watch is doing the heavy lifting, with at least a dozen lawsuits and “dozens of Freedom of Information Act requests tied to this issue.” Support Judicial Watch today if you’re concerned about the scandals surrounding President Biden and his family. 


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