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Judicial Watch, Inc. is a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation, which promotes transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law.

Judicial Watch, Inc. is a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation, which promotes transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law.

Because no one
is above the law!


Corruption Chronicles

AG Helps Illegal Alien Gangbangers Charged With Murder


Three illegal immigrant gang members who faced the death penalty for murdering a Maryland man last summer have been spared by the nation’s chief law enforcement officer who has ordered prosecutors not to seek the maximum punishment.

Attorney General Eric Holder intervened on behalf of the El Salvadoran gangbangers by directing federal prosecutors handling their conspiracy and murder case to rule out the death penalty, according to a Virginia-based news web site that broke the story this week. The three illegal immigrants are members of a notoriously violent street gang called Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13) that has spread throughout the country like the plague.

Last summer they robbed and murdered a man in Virginia as part of a conspiracy to extort money from his prostitution business. A few months later the illegal alien gang members were indicted with federal racketeering and murder. Federal prosecutors indicated that they would seek the death penalty and a court-appointed attorney for one of the defendants was dismissed because he lacked the proper certification for trying a death penalty case.

Just a few weeks ago, defense attorneys prepared jury questionnaires that alluded to the death penalty and eliminated jurors who might discriminate against Latinos. But as the May trial approaches, Holder stepped in and ruled out the death penalty. He refuses to explain the last-minute order claiming that that the attorney general’s decision-making process and final decision involving the death penalty is confidential.

Court documents cited in the news report say that Holder “authorized and directed” the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia, Neal McBride, “not to seek the death penalty” against the illegal immigrants. McBride subsequently filed a corresponding court document (Government’s Notice of Intent Not to Seek the Death Penalty) making it official.

This is hardly the first controversy involving President Obama’s attorney general. Holder ignited public outrage when he granted civilian criminal trials to several 9/11 terrorists—including mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed—in New York City and he actually filed a motion to reverse the jury convictions of a bribed U.S. Senator (Ted Stevens) who was found guilty of seven felonies.

Holder has also refused to investigate a fraud-infested community group (ACORN) that’s been criminally charged in various states and he dropped charges against the militant Black Panthers for intimidating voters during the 2008 presidential election. The attorney general also refused to criminally charge an Obama cabinet nominee, New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson, who withdrew amid a pay to play corruption scandal.

Holder’s storied career at the Justice Department actually dates back to his days as Bill Clinton’s deputy attorney general, best known as the guy who orchestrated the last-minute pardons of two jailed domestic terrorists and a fugitive financier. Holder also coordinated the violent Miami raid on the house of a Cuban boy’s (Elian Gonzalez) family. Along with his boss, Attorney General Janet Reno, Holder ordered heavily armed federal agents to illegally break into the home of Elian’s relatives to take the boy on Good Friday in 2000.





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