House Committees Release Damning Report on CIA Collusion With Hunter’s Laptop

From Townhall:
House Committees aren’t the only ones looking into CIA collusion. On Wednesday morning Judicial Watch revealed that, thanks to a FOIA request, they received documents showing Morrell actually received rushed approval of the letter he and 50 others signed onto looking to discredit the Hunter laptop story.
“This is a rush job, as it needs to get out as soon as possible,” Morrell claimed in an email where Polymeropoulos was copied. His request was approved in just six hours by the CIA.
“These documents are astounding. That the CIA would turn around a campaign document like this for Joe Biden’s team in six hours is insane news,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said. “This seems to be demonstrable campaign interference by the CIA, and that should be alarming to all Americans.”
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