Judicial Watch Asks for Preliminary Relief Enjoining Gov. Newsom’s Order to Mail Ballots to Every Registered Voter in California
From Tom Fitton’s article for Breitbart:
Mail-in ballots are a huge source of potential voter fraud. For instance, ballots mailed to wrong addresses or large residential buildings might get intercepted.
We recently filed a motion for a preliminary injunction to bar the enforcement of California Gov. Gavin Newsom’s executive order mandating that unrequested and unneeded mail-in ballots be sent to all of the state’s registered voters for the November 3, 2020, election.
We argue that it is imperative that the court grant preliminary relief now to resolve the legal questions surrounding Newsom’s vote-by-mail mandate. We note that Newsom’s order, if left intact, will lead to “serious disputes later, possibly having a nationwide impact.”
We filed the motion in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of California on behalf of former Congressman Darrell Issa (a candidate for California’s 50thCongressional District in the November election) and four voters from across the political spectrum (Darrell Issa, et al, v. Gavin Newsom et al.(No. 2:20-cv-01044-MCE-CKD)).
On May 8, Newsom issued Executive Order N-64-20, which changed the time, place, and manner for voting during the November 3, 2020 federal election. The order mandated that “[a]ll voters who are […] registered to vote” in the November election must be sent mail-in ballots, regardless of whether voters requested them.
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