Report: One of Two Illegal Aliens Who Tried to Breach U.S. Marine Base ‘Was on Terror Watch List’

From Breitbart:
An incident report, obtained by Judicial Watch, reveals that one of the two Jordanian illegal aliens — accused of trying to breach Marine Corps Base Quantico in Prince William County, Virginia, in May — “was on a terror watch list.”
Judicial Watch obtained the incident report, filed by Marine Base Quantico to Marine Headquarters, through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. According to the report, on May 3, 32-year-old Hasan Yousef Hamdan and 28-year-old Mohammad Khair Dabous drove a truck to the base’s main gate and claimed they were making a delivery to Quantico Town’s post office.
Hamdan and Dabous did not have credentials to enter the base. Despite orders to stop, the report alleges that the pair tried to breach the base. Hamdan, according to the report, only had a Jordanian passport on his person.
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