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Judicial Watch, Inc. is a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation, which promotes transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law.

Judicial Watch, Inc. is a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation, which promotes transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law.

Because no one
is above the law!


Press Releases

Judicial Watch Announces Publication of Rights and Freedoms in Peril: An Investigative Report on the Left’s Attack on America – President Tom Fitton’s Fourth Book

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today the publication of Rights and Freedoms in Peril: An Investigative Report on the Left’s Attack on America, the fourth book by New York Times best-selling author and Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton, in which he details a long chain of abuses officials and political groups have made against the American people. The new book is available for pre-order now at and is set for publication on October 15. 

The book explores the Left’s declaration of war on everything from the rule of law to the colorblind Constitution, border security, honest elections, and government accountability. From his perch at Judicial Watch, Fitton has witnessed in person the very abuse, lawfare, and corruption that strikes at the heart of our rights and constitutional freedoms.

Fitton is one of the world’s leading conservative voices against government corruption and for government transparency, with Judicial Watch having filed hundreds of lawsuits to expose and stop leftist government misconduct and abuse.

Fitton, who holds a BA from George Washington University, has led Judicial Watch for over 25 years. His previous books include A Republic Under Assault, Clean House, and The Corruption Chronicles

Fitton’s previous book, A Republic Under Assault, The Left’s Ongoing Attack on American Freedom, is a hard-hitting, fast-paced look at how the Radical Left and the Deep State tried to destroy the Trump presidency. It expands on the observation that “President Biden has a personal corruption problem, has obvious health challenges, must manage internal warfare between his party’s corrupt corporate wing and its rising Communists, and his moral claim on the presidency is rejected by a massive number of voters.”

His first two bestselling books, The Corruption Chronicles and Clean House, revealed what Judicial Watch, the world’s largest and most effective watchdog group, uncovered in its battles against Obama administration secrecy.

“The Left has taken extraordinary steps to eradicate American liberty, motivated by a radical ideology whose adherents occupy the nation’s highest offices,” Fitton says. “This book is an exhaustive investigation into the progressive movement’s efforts to dismantle the venerable institutions protecting the rights and freedoms of all Americans.”



Hunter Biden Laptop Update!

CIA Rushed Approval of Hunter Laptop Letter by Former Intel Officials Judicial Watch Announces President Tom Fitton’s Fourth Book DHS Lets Criminals, Suspected Terrorists into U.S....

FITTON: Initiate the 25th Amendment now

In The News | June 27, 2024
From Tom Fitton in Washington Times: Those videos of President Biden freezing, getting lost in his thoughts, shuffling, slurring his words, wandering off and simply checking out ar...

Judicial Watch: FOIA Lawsuit Emails Show CIA Rushed Approval of Infamous Hunter Laptop Letter…

Press Releases | June 26, 2024
‘High Profile/High Alert Action’  (Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that it received eight pages of records from the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) showing Mike ...