Tipsheet: JW Sues for Biden-Ukraine Docs; De Blasio’s NYC Crime Crisis; Plot to ‘Wear a Wire’ in Oval Office

De Blasio’s New York Slips Toward a Crisis of Crime & Disorder- New York Mayor Bill de Blasio’s withdrawal from the presidential race last week is a lost opportunity. A successful de Blasio effort in the Democratic primaries—his was anything but—could have sparked a necessary national debate over signs of rising disorder in American cities…Read more
Trump DOJ follows CAIR lead; State Dept. undermining Trump; CA appeal waste of tax dollars- Last year CAIR filed a federal lawsuit accusing Troy, a small city located about 23 miles northwest of Detroit, of discriminatory denial of zoning to a local Muslim organization called Adam Community Center that wants to build a mosque and Islamic community facility. In the complaint CAIR alleges that Troy officials purposefully and unconstitutionally attempted to keep the area’s growing Muslim community from building a mosque within the city by unfair and illegal application of zoning ordinances…Read more
Fitton: Documents Reveal State Department Efforts to Undermine Trump- We obtained the documents through our June 2018 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed against the State Department after it failed to respond to a February 2018 request seeking records of the Obama State Department’s last-minute efforts to share classified information about Russia election interference issues with Democratic Senator Ben Cardin…Read more
Judicial Watch: McCabe Memo Details How DOJ’s Rosenstein Proposed Wearing a Wire Into Oval Office to Record President Trump- The memo, which is redacted in key sections, purports to serve as a “contemporaneous recollection” of a meeting that day (“12:30 pm on 5/16/2017”) in Rosenstein’s office. The meeting included Rosenstein, Deputy Assistant AG for Intelligence Tashina Gauhar and Principal Associate Deputy Attorney General Jim Crowell in Rosenstein’s…Read more
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Judicial Watch Sues for Documents on Biden Forcing Firing of Ukraine Prosecutor- The FOIA was filed after a video became public of Biden telling a Jan. 23, 2018, conference at the Council on Foreign Relations of his threatening to withhold more than $1 billion in U.S. assistance to the government of Ukraine if…Read more
Fitton: Judicial Watch Sues for Key Spygate Document- We sued for one key record which led to the initiation of the counterintelligence investigation of President Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign…Read more
Judicial Watch Sues DOJ for Electronic Communication that Initiated Counterintelligence Investigation of President Trump’s 2016 Campaign- In March 2018, based upon the information contained in the DOJ communication and other information, the Intelligence Committee produced a 150-page report, the summary of which states…Read more
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Deep State/House Dems Manufacture Another Crisis to Justify Unlawful Impeachment of Trump!- Watch Now!
Inside Judicial Watch: How California’s Attack Against President Trump is Unconstitutional!- Watch Now!
Fitton: Stop the Coup Against Trump! New Lawsuit on Biden/Ukraine Scandal , New FBI-DOJ Coup Docs, & More- Watch Now!