Dear Reader,
Welcome to the new Investigative Bulletin, part of Judicial Watch’s ongoing effort to promote transparency, accountability, and integrity in politics and government. I’m excited to be part of Judicial Watch’s expanded investigative reporting. It’s a time of tremendous ferment in politics and the media: the established political order faces pressure from many quarters, and the Great Recession plus a digital revolution has reshaped the face of the modern reporting. Here and elsewhere on the Judicial Watch site, we’ll be bringing you expanded reporting, documents and commentary on issues at the forefront of the national debate—Benghazi, the IRS, Obamacare, immigration, voter integrity and more.
We’ll also be keeping an eye on what’s over the horizon. I covered Bill and Hillary Clinton from 1993 to 2002 for the Wall Street Journal editorial page and I’ll be watching their activities closely. We’re also gearing up coverage of the Guantanamo trial of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and other alleged 9-11 plotters: it looks like finally the War on Terror will have its Nuremberg.
You’ll also find here stories that the mainstream media may have missed, such as the case of Herman Bell, a self-proclaimed “political prisoner” in New York State who killed three police officers and is now up for parole. We’ll be publishing a mix of stories long and short, heavily reported investigations and quick notes from my desk, keeping you informed and perhaps even entertained.
As I’ve noted elsewhere, Judicial Watch’s team of investigators and lawyers are experts in making the most of the Freedom of Information Act and related federal and state regulations. It’s a powerhouse group unmatched by any newsroom in America and I’m thrilled to working with them.
Ultimately, though, as a non-profit organization, we rely on you, our supporters, to help us carry out our mission. Thank you for your support, and if you have any suggestions or story tips, please use the link on this page to send me a note.
You can read more about me and Judicial Watch here:
Until next time,